Book: Kiss and Run: The Single, Picky, and Indecisive Girl’s Guide to Overcoming Fear of Commitment

By Elina Furman
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"Elina Furman has mustered up the courage to tell the dirty little secret about many successful, single American women and offers both empathy and a remedy for this dating disease." -- Jodie Gould, coauthor of Date Like a Man

For years, it was the men who had the monopoly on commitment-phobia. Today, single women are the fastest-growing segment of the population, with over forty-seven million single women in this country and twenty-two million of them between the ages of twenty-five and forty-four. Whatever the reasons — fear of divorce, increased financial independence, delayed motherhood — more women than ever no longer feel the urgency, or the ability, to settle down. Lucky for this growing group of women, author and former commitment-phobe Elina Furman has written Kiss and Run, the first-ever book about female commitment anxiety.

Filled with fun quizzes, first-person testimonials, and step-by-step action plans, Kiss and Run includes the top-five panic buttons, advice for curbing overanalysis, and tips for fixing negative commitment scripts. You’ll also find the seven types of commitment-phobes, including the Nitpicker, the Serial Dater, and the Long-Distance Runner.

Based on the stories of more than one hundred women, this straight-talking guide helps single women conquer commitment anxiety and say yes to love.

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